Clash icon
Patch Notes:

Server costs covered for this month: $6/25

View all update details on my patreon here.

Ways you can support the site :)
  1. Tell me your cool ideas
  2. PatreonSupport me
  3. Buy me a coffee
Jun 21, 2024


  • Add void grubs to match history page
  • Add fun tooltips to the loading screen
  • Update schedule
  • Fix live games
  • Fix player & role filters
  • Fix uncentered match history page
  • Fix background color on mobile
  • Fix theme not matching dropdown
Feb 16, 2024

Past Tournaments

  • New page to view past tournaments & clash teams
  • Show warning on search bar if you are missing your #TAG
  • Fix clash team link and other RiotID issues
Dec 09, 2023

2023 CLASH Recap

  • Bringing the year to a close with the 2023 recap
Nov 21, 2023

Riot IDs

  • RiotID#TAG is now used in place of Summoner Names
  • If you want to look up multiple players they will all need their name & tags
Sep 29, 2023


  • Updated colors for all 4 themes
  • Changed navigation to be easier to use with 1 sidebar instead of nested top bars
  • Removed support for custom color schemes (RIP)
Jul 16, 2023


  • Japanese Support
  • Support for non-english champion names
  • Redesigned Review -> Records tab
  • Looking for help with translating into other languages, please contact me on discord if you are interested :)
Jun 19, 2023

Clash Tier & Team Names

  • Match history page will show clash tournament, tier, and team names will show (if possible)
  • Tweaked the home page to make it look a bit nicer
May 28, 2023

First blood details

  • Detailed First Blood: New matches will now contain all participants of first blood as well as the time it occured
  • Match history gold graph now properly loads
  • Fixed a bug where looking up a team of players with a large number of games would fail
Apr 29, 2023

Live-Shareable Planner & Team Leaderboard

  • Live-Shareable Planner: You can now share your planner with your friends and edit it all together in real-time (think google docs)
  • Team Leaderboard: The leaderboard page now shows the top 5 teams right below the top 10 players
  • Also added the leaderboards for 2019 & 2020, note that the further back you go the less games there are in the system so the game counts will be lower
  • Made styling & spacing more consistent between all pages
  • All pages now use the same navigation bar
  • Only exception is the home page which doesn't say Clash.Tips on the top right because it already is shown in the center of the screen
Apr 14, 2023

A Few Finished Features

  • Leaderboard - See top Clash players per region for the last several years
  • Planner - Plan your picks and bans with your team
  • Clash tournament name now shown in match history page
  • Enabled ranked data
  • Fixed a bug on the CS chart causing the points to be out of order
  • Fixed a bug where the dashboard charts would not be in the right theme color
Mar 06, 2023

Start of Clash 2023

  • (March 12): Fixed bug causing match history page to crash
  • Schedule is now controlled by the region dropdown instead of buttons (was getting cluttered)
  • Now start all gold/xp/cs data for each player over time rather than just the first 20 minutes
  • The theme now properly listens to your OS default settings for light/dark mode when first visiting the site
  • Fixed a bug wher ematch history would crash if CS over time could not be found
Feb 04, 2023

Match History Gold Graph

  • Added a gold over time graph to the match history page
  • Changed clash match storage system to reduce costs, updated funding goal from $59 -> $25 a month
Jan 15, 2023

Teams & Review now available in multi-lookup

  • When looking up multiple players you can now see all of the content under "Review" and "Teams" tabs in the top-left
  • Reset button properly resets shared games
  • CS graphs now display properly
  • Added former Garena SEA regions: PH, SG, TH, TW, VN
  • Make home page font load more consistently
  • Added extra footer and reorganized links
  • Added an About page
Dec 31, 2022

DB Upgrade

  • Upgraded database to continue storing more Clash games
  • This moves monthly costs from $25 -> $59
  • Riot only stores games for ~1-2 years, if you like being able to seeing old games I appreciate any contributions to help cover costs :)
Dec 29, 2022

Clash Recap

  • Created a recap for Clash 2022
Dec 03, 2022

Live Game

  • New tab for viewing live games
Nov 18, 2022

Match History by Tournament

  • The History tab now lets you group matches by clash tournament
Oct 14, 2022

New Match History Tab

  • Added a new tab called "History" which shows the match history
  • Moved graphs from graphs tab to other tabs:
  • Picks over time, Presence, Games played -> Champions tab
  • Mastery -> Mastery tab
Sep 27, 2022

New Dashboard

  • Added a new tab called "Dashboard" which shows you a brief overview of the player(s)' champ pool, picks, and enemy bans against them
  • The best champions graph shows more champions than the previous section as well as showing what metrics determine the ranking
  • Filters (1): Updated the filters and put it in a new bar at the top, rather than switching pages it now lets you filter by shared clash games with a checkbox
  • Filters (2): Used role icons for role filter instead of a dropdown and added a reset button so less clicks needed
  • Lots of little styling adjustments and layout changes based on screen size
  • Update OCE to new Rito server (they were on fire for a while so I gave OCE old data instead of no data)
Sep 03, 2022

Best Champions Grid

  • Added a new tab called "Roles" which shows best champs per role
  • Updated the "Best Champs" formula to value recency and win rate more
Aug 08, 2022

Teammate Scouting

  • New Overview section on the Review page
  • More records (CC score, etc.)
  • Tooltips for best champs and ranked now show up immediately
  • Pull in 5 additional recent ranked games for each player (10 -> 15)
  • Re-add ally bans
  • Fixed last played clash date
  • Fix clash team player icons
  • Slight optimizations for load times
Jul 15, 2022

Better Theme Picker

  • Changed theme picker to a dropdown so you can easily pick between more themes
  • The filter now properly applies to ranked games in the Champions scouting section
  • Fixed alignment issues on a few pages
  • Fixed an issue where some player icons would not display properly in the clash team section
  • Added the Champions section to the shared stats page as well
  • Ranked games now properly don't include clash games
Jul 02, 2022

New Scouting View

  • Created a new tab called "Champions" when looking at all clash games that shows several stats in one place for champions ordered by recommended
  • Hovering over a table row now only changes the color if has an action
  • Slight style/alignment tweaks to the clash team section
  • More robust error handling to reduce the likelihood of seeing the "Client side error" screen
Jun 18, 2022

Rapid Response

  • Pages are now responsive quicker and elements show individual loading status
  • Now looks up 10 recent ranked games for each player rather than 20 if you have < 20 clash games
  • Renamed Recommended Bans -> Best Champs to better reflect the # games & WR stats
  • Now shows clash team on "ALL" clash games page
Jun 03, 2022

Presence Graph

  • Added a presence (pick + ban) chart to the Graphs tab on the Scout page
  • Added extra useful hover text to other graphs such as showing number of games on the win rate graph
  • Upgraded database and raised goal from $10 -> $25 to match break-even cost
  • Now shows totals per champion instead of match history style W/L
  • Various speed, style improvements and bugfixes
May 21, 2022

CS Graph

  • New graph under Review -> CS showing CS over time for your top 5 champs
  • No longer fails to load the page when a summoner is not found
May 06, 2022

Gigantic Graph

  • The graphs tab now features a bubble chart to better illustrate who to ban
  • Champion image size is # games played
  • The nav bar is now "Scout, Teams, Review" instead of "Stats, Teams, Advanced"
Apr 22, 2022

Graphs/Mastery for teams

  • Clash team lookup page now has the "Graphs" and "Mastery" tabs that individual players have
  • Updated header styling of the "Teams" and "Advanced" page to be consistent with the "Stats" page
Apr 09, 2022

Champ Ocean Graphic

  • New Champs tab in the roles section
  • Mastery tab now properly formatted on mobile
  • Clash team section moved from center-left to top-right
Mar 25, 2022

Glorious Graphs

  • Created new Graphs tab on the stats page
  • Draft Tips: Bugfixes
Mar 11, 2022

Draft Tips

  • Go to Draft Tips to simulate drafting vs your clash opponent
  • Get recommended picks/bans
  • See what who plays what champion in which role
  • See mastery for each player
  • Bugfixes: Fixed home page schedule
Feb 25, 2022

Filtered Ranked Games

  • Stats: Ranked games are now filtered by role/player/champion filters
  • Clash team link now sends you to the page with all games rather than shared games
  • Hovering a champion icon on the team match history table now show champion name and player name
  • Bugfixes (details in link)
Feb 11, 2022

Fast Filter

  • Stats: Simplified filters for champions, players, and roles
  • Fixed mastery table sorting by clash date
Jan 28, 2022

Ranked Relishing & Terrific Turret Plates

  • Stats: Ranked match history for players with less than 20 clash games
  • Match history page: New matches will show turret plates (bottom of the page, per lane)
  • Graphs: Added which shows clash popularity over time and players stored by the site
  • Match history page: Improved styling and readability
  • Various bug fixes (details in link)
Jan 15, 2022

Masterful Mastery, Pitiful Puddle

  • Stats: Added a new "Mastery" sub-tab for full mastery info
  • Stats: Added a new "Smallest Champ Pool" section in the header, shows the Player and Role with the least unique champs in clash/ranked
  • Advanced: Old games with missing role info (causing missing CSD/GD/XPD) show up as "-" instead of "0" and no longer skew average CSD, etc. towards 0
  • Home: Now shows an even further condensed summary of the latest update on the home page
  • General: New simple custom scroll bar style to match the site's visuals
  • Stats: Hovering a champion icon in Recommended Bans now shows more info
  • Stats: Made non-played flex roles more obvious
  • General: Show more columns by default if your screen is wide enough
Jan 01, 2022

Helpful header, readily readable roles

  • Updated header to improve readability and reduce scrolling
  • Turned roles section into a bar graph, clicking on the role icon filters games by that role
  • Added header to "Individual" lookup page as well, when looking up multiple players easily switch between shared and invidiaul games by clicking the link below the players' names
  • Added new preset themes: "Light - Gold", "Dark - Black & White", and "Dark - Grey"
Dec 17, 2021

Simple searching, crisper clarity, and smoother styling

  • Improved search bar suggestions/auto-complete
  • Updated "Whats New" page styling
  • Fixes for custom theme page
  • Standardized tooltips
Dec 03, 2021

Easier, better looking scouting

  • Individual lookup (Click the link at the top after looking up > 1 person)
  • Custom themes (Press the gear at the bottom of the page)
  • Styling improvements
  • Bug fixes
Nov 16, 2021

Visual improvements and expand/collapse all buttons

  • Updated clash table layout
  • Expand/collapse buttons for tables with clickable rows
  • Backend changes
Nov 12, 2021

Flex picks

  • Flex picks table
  • More records
  • Easier match viewing
  • Advanced players table
  • Bug fixes
Nov 05, 2021

More data on hover

  • Recommended ban stats
  • Last played date on mastery score
  • Bug fixes
Oct 29, 2021

Ranked data in recommended bans and better search bar

  • Match history stats
  • Ranked data
  • Search bar QoL updates
Oct 22, 2021

More Advanced stats

  • Advanced: Individual match stats
  • Advanced: Gold %
  • Bug fixes
Oct 15, 2021

Damage graph

  • Added damage graph to match history
Oct 08, 2021

Champion name auto-complete on "Filter by Games"

  • Auto-complete on filter
  • More records
  • Style improvements
Sep 30, 2021

In-site Match History

  • In-site match history
  • More stats
  • Bug fixes
Sep 26, 2021

Site usability improvements when Riot API is down

  • Site less likely to crash when Rito crashes
Sep 25, 2021

Clash stats per region

  • List of # players and # games that have been looked up on
Sep 20, 2021

Notes on clash issues this weekend

    Sep 17, 2021

    Filter everywhere, plus more

    • Advanced: Damage per Gold
    • Filter on Advanced and Teams tabs as well
    • Plus more!
    Sep 14, 2021

    Improved load speed

      Sep 12, 2021

      Created this page

        Sep 06, 2021

        Search bar and error message improvements

          Sep 05, 2021

          Clash stats per region

            Sep 03, 2021

            Home page speedup

              Sep 01, 2021

              Upgraded database server

                Aug 31, 2021

                Updated clash team view

                  Aug 30, 2021

                  New games have more accurate roles

                    Aug 22, 2021

                    Clash team bugfix

                      Aug 06, 2021

                      Added team match history

                        Jul 21, 2021

                        Added light mode theme

                          Jul 19, 2021

                          Now store all matches in a database

                            Jul 05, 2021

                            Changing tabs no longer reloads the page

                              Jun 29, 2021

                              You can now filter matches by picks/bans

                                Jun 26, 2021

                                Improved match history

                                  Jun 12, 2021

                                  Implemented recommended bans

                                    May 31, 2021

                                    Group mastery score

                                      May 21, 2021

                                      Mastery score improvements/fixes

                                        May 14, 2021

                                        Added match history

                                          Apr 30, 2021

                                          Added feedback button

                                            Apr 21, 2021

                                            Improved load times so # games shown can increase

                                              Mar 27, 2021

                                              Added CSD, XPD, and GD @ 10 to the Advanced tab

                                                Mar 24, 2021

                                                UI fixes

                                                  Mar 20, 2021

                                                  Formatting improvements

                                                    Mar 15, 2021

                                                    Future plans

                                                      Mar 07, 2021

                                                      Home page load speed improvement

                                                        Mar 05, 2021

                                                        Added Damage % column to advanced stats + bugfixes

                                                          Feb 28, 2021

                                                          Added CS/min & kill participation to advanced stats

                                                            Feb 27, 2021

                                                            Created advanced stats page

                                                              Feb 20, 2021

                                                              Added region selection + bugfixes

                                                                Clash Tips© isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing Riot Games properties. Riot Games, and all associated properties are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc.